| |
The Wilde
- Impotence (69) [H. Hopper/R. Wyatt]
- Those Words They Say (66)
[H. Hopper]
- Memories (66) [H. Hopper]
- Don't Try To Change Me (65)
[H. Hopper + G. Flight
& R. Wyatt
(words - second and third verses)]
- Parchman Farm (65) [B. White]
- Almost Grown (65) [C. Berry]
- She's Gone (65) [K. Ayers]
- Slow Walkin' Talk (65) [B.
- He's Bad For You (65) [R.
- It's What I Feel (A Certain Kind) (65)
[H. Hopper]
- Memories (Instrumental) (66)
[H. Hopper]
- Never Leave Me (66) [H.
- Time After Time (66) [H.
- Just Where I Want (66) [H.
- No Game When You Lose (66)
[H. Hopper]
- Impotence (66) [H. Hopper/R.
- Why Do You Care (With Zobe) (68)
- The Pieman Cometh (With Zobe) (68)
- Summer Spirit (With Zobe) (68)
- She Loves To Hurt (69) [H.
- The Big Show (69) [B. Hopper]
- Memories (69) [H. Hopper]
| |
- Robert Wyatt - drums and
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Pye Hastings - guitar
- Brian Hopper guitar, voice,
alto saxophone
- Richard Coughlan - drums
- Graham Flight - voice
- Richard Sinclair - guitar
- Kevin Ayers - voice
- Dave Lawrence - voice, guitar,
bass guitar
- Bob Gilleson - drums
- Mike Ratledge - piano, organ,
Enregistrements de 1965 à 1969.
Une édition spéciale - tirage limité à
2000 ex. - intitulée The Wilde Flowers Story - Brian's
Tale publiée à la même date avec un livret
de 13 pages retraçe la génèse du groupe par
Brian Hopper et comprend de nombreuses photos et documents.
Lyrics |
| |

Canterburied Sounds - Vol.1
Sounds - Vol.1
- Feelin',Reelin',Squealin' (Caravan)
- Mummie [B. Hopper/R. Wyatt]
- Da-Da-Dee & Bolivar [T.
- Orientasian [B. Hopper]
- You Really Got Me [R. Davies]
- Thinking Of You Baby [D.
- Man In A Deaf Corner [B.
H. Hopper, M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt]
- If I Ever Leave You (Zobe)
- Stop Me And Play One
- Piano Standards 1 (Mike Ratledge)
- Belsize Parked [B. Hopper,
H. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Summertime [G. Gershwin] | |
Dans l'ordre des morceaux :
- Caravan
- Robert Wyatt & Brian Hopper
- Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
- Brian Hopper & Robert Wyatt
- Wilde Flowers
- Wilde Flowers
- Brian & Hugh Hopper,
M. Ratledge & R.Wyatt
- Zobe - Brian's band
- Robert Wyatt and A Guitarist
- Mike Ratledge
- Brian & Hugh Hopper with
R. Wyatt
- Caravan
Enregistrements de 1962 à 1964.
| |

> Zoom
An Introduction To
Canterburied Sounds
| |
An Introduction To Canterburied
- That's Allright Mama
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Tanglewood Tails
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Thinking Of You, Baby
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Man In A Deaf Corner
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Summertime
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Esther's Nose Job/interview
& Hugh Hopper & Pye Hastings
- interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Feelin', Reelin', Squealin'
- Interview Brian & Hugh Hopper
& Pye Hastings
- Austin Cambridge (Caravan) |
Extraits de morceaux tirés des 4 volumes de Canterburied
Sounds entrecoupés de commentaires de Brian & Hugh
Hopper et Pye Hastings.
| |

> Zoom
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.2
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.2
- Carazobe (Caravan & Zobe)
- Instant Pussy [R. Wyatt]
- Esther's Nose Job [M. Ratledge]
- Moorish [R. Wyatt/B. Hopper]
- Summertime [G. Gershwin]
- Indian Rope Man (Zobe)
- Drums Solo [R. Wyatt]
- Mirror For The Day (Pye Pastings)
- Love Song With Cello
- As I Feel I Die (Caravan)
- Where But For Caravan Would I?
(Caravan) |
Dans l'ordre des morceaux :
- Caravan & Zobe
- Robert Wyatt
- Soft Machine
- Robert Wyatt & Brian Hopper
- Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
- Zobe - Brian Hopper's outfit
- Robert Wyatt
- Pye Hastings
- Robert Wyatt plus others
- Caravan
- Caravan
Enregistrements de 1963 à 1969.

> Zoom
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.3
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.3
- Slow Walkin' Talk (68) [B. Hopper]
- Frenetica (63/64) [M. Ratledge,
R. Wyatt]
- Idle Chat [M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt]
- 1/4 Blues Thing In F [M. Ratledge,
R. Wyatt]
- More Idle Chat Tape (Zobe)
- The Pieman Cometh (Zobe)
- Llu-Ba (63) [B. Hopper, H. Hopper,
R. Wyatt]
- Kansas City/Rip It Up (B. & H. Hopper)
- That's Alright Mama (B. & H. Hopper)
- Tanglewood Tails [B. Hopper, H. Hopper,
R. Wyatt]
- The Big Show/Central Park
West/Songs (Zobe)
- If I Could Do It All Over Again I'd
Do It All Over You (Caravan) |
Dans l'ordre des morceaux :
- Robert Wyatt & Jimi Hendrix
- Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
- Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
- Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
- Zobe
- Zobe
- R. Wyatt, Hugh & Brian
Hopper + (?) guitarist
- Brian & Hugh Hopper with
Pete Lawson
- Brian & Hugh Hopper
- Robert Wyatt, Brian & Hugh
Hopper - Zobe
- Caravan
Enregistrements de 1963 à 1968.

> Zoom
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.4
Canterburied Sounds - Vol.4
- Slow Walkin' Talk (Zobe)
- Some Of The Time [M. Ratledge,
B. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Ghosts [A. Ayler]
- With An ear To The Ground You Can
Make It (Caravan)
- Dalmore Rode [B. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Piano Standards 2 (64) (Mike Ratledge)
- Johnny B. Goode (64) [C. Berry]
- Cecillian (62) [M. Ratledge,
B. Hopper, H. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Austin Cambridge (Caravan) |
Dans l'ordre des morceaux :
- Zobe
- B. Hopper, M. Ratledge,
R. Wyatt & Guitarist
- M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt & Guitarist
- Caravan
- Robert Wyatt and Brian Hopper
- Mike Ratledge
- Wilde Flowers
- B. & H. Hopper, M. Ratledge
and R. Wyatt
- Caravan
Enregistrements de 1962 à 1964.
Tales/Nuggets From The Psychedelic Underground
- Portrait Of A Shrinking Man (National
- The Hands Of Che Quevara (Jakko)
- The Piano Player (Dave Sinclair)
- A Potted History (Richard Sinclair
And Hugh Hopper)
- Wise Man In Your Heart (Extract)
(The Magik Brothers)
- Unmasked [Robert
- Strawberry Fields Forever (Pip
Pyle And Friends)
- Leeway (Brian Hopper And Robert
- Pack Light (Hugh Hopper And Lisa
- Pot-Head Pixies (Gong)
- Jocelyn (Pip Pyles Equipe Out)
- If I Could Do It All Over Again
Id Do It All Over You (Caravan)
- Golden Section (Hugh Hopper
- Those Words They Say [Wilde
- Memories [Wilde Flowers]
- As Long As He Lies Perfectly
Still (Jakko Dave Stewart Hugh)
- Lizard On A Rock (Rick Biddulph)
- Sometimes It Is (Brian Hopper)
- Was A Friend
- Esthers Nose Job (Extract)
- When Your Love Falls Down (The
Happy Accidents)
- Midnight Judo (Pip Pyles Equipe Out)
- Time After Time (Wilde Flowers)
- Zep-Tepi (Elton Dean)
- Arriving Twice (National Health)
- I Never Glid Before (Gong)
- A Million Reasons Why (Phil
- Foetal Fanfare Fandango (Pip Pyles
Equipe Out)
- Slow Walkin Talk [B.
- Tales Of A Damson Knight (National
- I Wanted A Child (Jakko)
- Moon Over Man (Dave Sinclair)
- Scat Up A Tree (Hugh Hopper)
- Old Chrome Moon (Hugh Hopper)
- I See You (Hugh Hopper And Lisa
- Kew Rhone (John Greaves)
- Herbaceous Border (The Magick
- The Big Show [Wilde
- Its Flotsam And Jetsam Foreshore
(Brian Hopper And R Fenner) |
(EEECD006) 3xCD
The Wilde Flowers (Vinyl Reissue)
- Impotence
- Those Words They Say
- Don't Try To Change Me
- Parchman Farm
- Almost Grown
- She's Gone
- Slow Walkin' Talk
- He's Bad For You
- It's What I Feel (A Certain Kind)
- Never Leave Me
- Just Where I Want
- Time After Time
- No Game When You Lose
- Why Do You Care
- The Pieman Cometh
- Summer Spirit
- She Loves To Hurt
- The Big Show
- Memories |
(900723) LP |

> Zoom
Canterburied Sounds
4 CD Box Set
Canterburied Sounds 4 CD Box Set
Disc 1
- Feelin',Reelin',Squealin' (Caravan)
- Mummie [B. Hopper/R. Wyatt]
- Da-Da-Dee & Bolivar [T.
- Orientasian [B. Hopper]
- You Really Got Me [R. Davies]
- Thinking Of You Baby [D.
- Man In A Deaf Corner [B.
H. Hopper, M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt]
- If I Ever Leave You (Zobe)
- Stop Me And Play One
- Piano Standards 1 (Mike Ratledge)
- Belsize Parked [B. Hopper,
H. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Summertime [G. Gershwin]
Disc 2
- Carazobe (Caravan & Zobe)
- Instant Pussy [R. Wyatt]
- Esther's Nose Job [M. Ratledge]
- Moorish [R. Wyatt/B. Hopper]
- Summertime [G. Gershwin]
- Indian Rope Man (Zobe)
- Drums Solo [R. Wyatt]
- Mirror For The Day (Pye Pastings)
- Love Song With Cello
- As I Feel I Die (Caravan)
- Where But For Caravan Would I?
Disc 3
- Slow Walkin' Talk (68) [B. Hopper]
- Frenetica (63/64) [M. Ratledge,
R. Wyatt]
- Idle Chat [M. Ratledge, R. Wyatt]
- 1/4 Blues Thing In F [M. Ratledge,
R. Wyatt]
- More Idle Chat Tape (Zobe)
- The Pieman Cometh (Zobe)
- Llu-Ba (63) [B. Hopper, H. Hopper,
R. Wyatt]
- Kansas City/Rip It Up (B. & H. Hopper)
- That's Alright Mama (B. & H. Hopper)
- Tanglewood Tails [B. Hopper, H. Hopper,
R. Wyatt]
- The Big Show/Central Park
West/Songs (Zobe)
- If I Could Do It All Over Again I'd
Do It All Over You (Caravan)
Disc 4
- Slow Walkin' Talk (Zobe)
- Some Of The Time [M. Ratledge,
B. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Ghosts [A. Ayler]
- With An ear To The Ground You Can
Make It (Caravan)
- Dalmore Rode [B. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Piano Standards 2 (64) (Mike Ratledge)
- Johnny B. Goode (64) [C. Berry]
- Cecillian (62) [M. Ratledge,
B. Hopper, H. Hopper, R. Wyatt]
- Austin Cambridge (Caravan) |
4 CD Box Set - Réédition des 4 CD parus en 1998.
(7201012) 4xCD |
The Wilde Flowers (Reissue)
Disc 1
- Impotence [H. Hopper/R. Wyatt]
- Those Words They Say [B. Hopper]
- Memories [H. Hopper]
- Don't Try To Change Me
[H. Hopper + G. Flight
& R. Wyatt
(words - second and third verses)]
- Parchman Farm [B. White]
- Almost Grown [C. Berry]
- She's Gone [K. Ayers]
- Slow Walkin' Talk [B.
- He's Bad For You [R.
- It's What I Feel (A Certain Kind)
[H. Hopper]
- Memories (Instrumental)
[H. Hopper]
- Never Leave Me [H.
- Time After Time [H.
- Just Where I Want [H.
- No Game When You Lose [H. Hopper]
- Impotence (alt. version) [H. Hopper/R.
- Why Do You Care (With Zobe)
- The Pieman Cometh (With Zobe)
- Summer Spirit (With Zobe)
- She Loves To Hurt [H.
- The Big Show [B. Hopper]
- Memories [H. Hopper]
Disc 2
- The Pieman Cometh [B. Hopper]
- Mummie [R. Wyatt/B. Hopper]
- That's Alright Mama [A. 'Big Boy' Crudup]
- Orientasian [B. Hopper]
- Frenetica [M. Ratledge/R. Wyatt]
- 3/4 Blues Thing in F [M. Ratledge/R.
- Slow Walkin' Talk [B. Hopper]
- Man in a Deaf Corner[B. & H. Hopper/M.
Ratledge/R. Wyatt]
- Summertime [G. Gershwin]
- Belsize Parked [B. & H. Hopper/R. Wyatt]
- Where But For Caravan Would I?
[B. Hopper/P. Hastings/R. Sinclair/
R. Coughlan/D. Sinclair]
- Hope For Hapiness
[B. Hopper]
Disc One
1. Impotence
- Robert Wyatt - drums & voice
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Pye Hastings - guitar
Recorded Regent Sound Studios - London. 6th August 1969
2. Those Words They Say
- Robert Wyatt - voice & tambourine
- Brian Hopper - guitar & backing
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1968
3. Memories
- Robert Wyatt - voice
- Brian Hopper - guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1968
4. Don't Try To Change Me
- Robert Wyatt - drums & percussion
- Graham Flight - voice
- Brian Hopper - lead guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
Recorded:Sellindge, Kent. Automn 1965
5. Parchman Farm
- Robert Wyatt - drums & percussion
- Kevin Ayers - voice
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
- Brian Hopper - alto saxophone
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. 16th March 1965
6. Almost Grown
- Robert Wyatt - drums & backing
- Brian Hopper - lead guitar & vocals
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Kevin Ayers - backing vocals
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. 16th March 1965
7. She's Gone
- Robert Wyatt - drums
- Kevin Ayers - voice
- Brian Hopper - lead guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. 16th March 1965
8. Slow Walkin'Talk
- Robert Wyatt - drums & percussion
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
- Graham Flight - voice
- Brian Hopper - lead guitar
Recorded:Sellindge, Kent. Summer/Automn 1965
9. He's Bad For You
- Robert Wyatt - voice & drums
- Graham Flight - voice
- Brian Hopper - alto saxophone
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
Recorded:Sellindge, Kent. Summer/Automn 1965
10. It's What I Feel (A Certain Kind)
- Robert Wyatt - drums & backing
- Richard Sinclair - voice & guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Brian Hopper - guitar & backing
Recorded:Sellindge, Kent. Summer/Automn 1965
11. Memories (Instrumental)
- Robert Wyatt - drums
- Brian Hopper - lead guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. 16th March 1965
12. Never Leave Me
- Robert Wyatt - voice & tambourine
- Brian Hopper - guitar & backing
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Richard Sinclair - rhythm guitar
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1966
13. Time After Time
- Robert Wyatt - voice
- Brian Hopper - guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1966
14. Just Where I Want
- Robert Wyatt - voice
- Brian Hopper - guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1966
15. No Game When You Lose
- Robert Wyatt - voice & tambourine
- Brian Hopper - guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1966
16. Impotence (alt. version)
- Robert Wyatt - voice
- Brian Hopper - guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass
- Richard Coughlan - drums
Recorded: Wout Steenhuis Studio, Broadstairs, Kent. Spring 1966
20. She Loves To Hurt
- Robert Wyatt - drums & backing
- Pye Hastings - voice & 12 string
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Brian Hopper - guitar
Recorded Regent Sound Studios - London. 6th August 1969
21. The Big Show
- Robert Wyatt - voice & drums
- Brian Hopper - soprano saxophone
& guitar
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar
- Mike Ratledge - flute
Recorded Regent Sound Studios - London. 6th August 1969
22. Memories (alt. version)
- Robert Wyatt - voice & drums
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar &
acoustic guitar
- Mike Ratledge - piano & organ
Recorded Regent Sound Studios - London. 6th August 1969
Disc Two
1. The Pieman Cometh
Performed by Brian Hopper and Robert Wyatt
Recorded 2003
2. Mummie
Performed by Robert Wyatt and Brian Hopper
Recorded 1962
4. Orientasian
Performed by Brian Hopper and Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1963
5. Frenetica
Performed by Mike Ratledge and Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1963
6. 3/4 Blues Thing in F
Performed by Mike Ratledge and Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1963/64
7. Slow Walkin' Talk
Performed by Robert Wyatt and friends
Recorded 1968
8. Man in a Deaf Corner
Performed by Brian & Hugh Hopper, Mike Ratledge & Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1963/64
9. Summertime
Performed by Mike Ratledge and Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1962/63
10. Belsize Parked
Performed by Brian & Hugh Hopper & Robert Wyatt
Recorded 1963/64
12. Hope For Happiness
Performed by Brian Hopper & Robert Wyatt
Recorded 2003
- Robert Wyatt - vocals, drums,
percussion, cornet, piano,
- Brian Hopper - guitar, soprano,
alto and tenor saxes, flute,
keyboards, audio-programming &
backing vocals
- Hugh Hopper - bass guitar, cello,
- Mike Ratledge - piano
(FLOATD6250) 2xCD
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